Interview with Dr. Sujata Singhi, author of Reclaim Your Riches
Interview with Dr. Sujata Singhi, author of Reclaim Your Riches
on Sep 27, 2021
Dr. Sujata Singhi is the author of the international Amazon no.1 best seller book” Power of Sound”. Along with Masters in Business Administration, she has been conferred with five Doctorates in the field of Life Skill Education with specialization in NLP and Sound Bowl Therapy, Doctorate in Holistic Living with specialization in Happiness and Wellbeing. These doctorates are universities registered with the HRD ministry, Government of India, and recognized by the United Nations. Doctorate in Sound and Spiritual Sciences, Doctorate and founder of MERT i.e., Music and Emotion Release Therapies, Doctorate in Humanities and has also been awarded D.Litt. (Doctor of Letters) in Musical Arts by University accredited and affiliated to Cambridge UK. Apart from being an accomplished author, Dr. Sujata Singhi is the Founder of Divine Soul Sound and an expert in Wellness, she is also a Business Spiritual Coach who has won accolades in India and various other countries. Q1) Apart from being an author, who is the real Dr. Sujata Singhi? Ans. To describe my core self, I would say I am a simple human, a wanderer always seeking answers. Meditation is like my breath as it gives me the answers and acting upon the answers makes me feel complete. Freedom of thought and analyzing my decisions practically keep me grounded. Relationships have helped me evolve as it gives rise to questions for which I seek answers. It’s a spiraling cause-and-effect movement. I love nature, traveling, discussing with spiritual seekers and intellectuals, sharing my knowledge through training, talks, workshops, researching, contributing education and healthcare, and am associated with various NGOs, Rotary and for hunger-free India and education for all. Appointed as the national President, education at the National Child and Women Development Council, India, speaker on peace and sustainable development at organizations under the United Nations. Help researchers as hon. Editorial team member at the IJBST along with other global researchists onboard. I find my strength in developing the youth and women of our country and learning ancient Indian wisdom. Q2) At what point in life did you decide to become an author? Ans. Having been a book lover since childhood, I had always seen all my family members reading in my spare time. My parents always encouraged all of us to share our experiences or learnings be it from a picnic or a movie or just about expressing our emotions by writing or painting. I used to enjoy this activity. I used to write for my school's annual magazine from grade 4 and would be elated, with a sense of pride. In 2000, when my son was 2-year-old, my husband told me to write a book on parenting and while conducting my research on Sound as Medicine in 2017, finally I went ahead to publish the best seller book,” Power of Sound”. My journey of writing resumed and there is no looking back. I enjoy writing and look forward to writing a series of books. Q3) The book name is so unique. What was the inspiration behind it? Ans. Reclaim your Riches, the inspiration was the seeker within me wanting to share what had been unearthed. What took me over 40 years to figure out, came up seamlessly as I started writing this book. Wanting to share this ancient wisdom in the simplest and most practical form was my motto. We as humans are magnets who can attract abundance, prosperity, and happiness. There is no need to suffer provided we follow the practical spirituality explained in the book. This book includes the 3 bonus guided meditations with specific music recorded in my voice which will help the readers to vibrate at a higher frequency on a regular basis. These meditations have been tried upon by my clients and participants showing 100% success in transforming them at varying degrees. Q4) Have you started working on your next project and if yes then share some glimpse about it? Ans. My next project is on “Being the Wizard”-I am looking at unlocking the ancient science of spiritual living for wealth and wellness. How can we revive the ancient systems of life to lead a healthy and wealthy life? I feel the world needs to go back to its roots rather than just treat the branches to bear healthy and nutritious fruits.
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